Do you read Harvard Business Review articles?

HBR has 14M LinkedIn followers

Do you feel smarter and more informed after reading them?

You should. They're well written, research-backed and insightful.

And how many times have you done anything with them?

I haven't found anyone who's said more than once or twice. Most people, including myself, email or discuss them with colleagues or clients; this is called the Smart-Talk Trap.

Introducing The Loop

A community of executives and driven team members who share a common goal:

To deliver better and more meaningful results in the workplace and become better leaders, team members and collaborators.

Here's what's included in the Loop membership:

• A vibrant community of like-minded individuals

• Bi-monthly meetings to discuss and collaborate on the latest research

• One monthly activity with practical insights that are immediately actionable in your own career



Article & topic

We'll choose one article from a major management publication, distill the insights and make it practical.

The articles will either be from a current issue or a Must-Read Hall-of-Fame piece.


Make it practical

We'll make and deliver game or activity based on that month's article.

The game will come bullet-proof instructions for individual use or for use with your team.


Learn it by doing it

The best way to learn is by sharing your experience with others.

We'll gather each month to do just this. Work out your questions and understand the many ways the activity might be used.


Community Connection: Connect with executives and driven team members in The Loop, fostering collaboration and shared learning.

Purposeful Goal: Align with a community dedicated to delivering better and more meaningful workplace results, driving collective success.

Action-Oriented Insights: Gain actionable strategies from Harvard Business Review to implement tangible improvements in your work and collaboration.

Professional Growth: Cultivate skills and knowledge to become a better team member and collaborator, advancing your career trajectory.

Meaningful Impact: Harness the power of The Loop to make a significant difference in your organization, driving positive change and innovation.

Each activity will develop your skills in the area of: visual thinking, systems thinking and design thinking

The articles are excellent

Harvard Business Review articles provide excellent analysis and insights on cutting edge research and management theory, but they leave much to be desired when comes to implementation. 

This all changes now.

Each activity arrives with:

The setup

• The key insight from the original research article

• The objective of the activity

• Strategies to achieve that goal

• Common pitfalls to avoid

The activity

• A step-by-step guide to complete the activitiy both individually and with your team

• the visual framework that accompanies the activity

• suggested prompts, lines and questions to improve activity impact

Take it deeper

• Additional readings and research

• Other complementary activities


Our activity topics will naturally flow from the original publications.

We will source articles from recent publications, but occasionally from HBR's Must Read series of definitive articles

Idea Practitioners cross the Knowing-Doing Gap

Most of us stay in the know

The thought-leadership industrial complex's output knows no bounds: each day more research, new talks, a ground breaking study, another book... And then there's all the podcasts.

This information overload keeps most individuals and organizations mired in debate, discussion and decision paralysis all playing the same game: who can sound smartest.

Few of us ever break out of the cycle from knowing to doing.

You might be an Idea Practitioner* if...

• you're an avid reader of management literature

• you approach all your sources with an open mind: neither cynical nor credulous

• you are exceptionally attuned to the zeitgeist

• you maintain an inter-disciplinary perspective, often seeking outside fields for inspiration

• you tailor new ideas to fit your organization's needs

• you adeptly market and persuade these new ideas into your organization

* 'Idea Practitioner' comes from the HBR article, Who's bringing you hot ideas and how are you responding ?

My background

  • I've been reading management articles and doing nothing about them since 1999

  • I've been playing and designing games for start-ups to the Fortune 500 since 2010

  • In 2018 I thought these two should overlap

    Since then I've sold over 700 courses, built up a mailing list of over 30,000 and have been writing to it consistently for seven years

What others have said

-Jesko von den Steinen

Jesko took a design thinking course with us centered on futures thinking and creative facilitation.

Jesko is the Director of Experience Consulting at PwC

-Michael Schrage

Michael's 2019 MITSMR article Strategy For and With AI served as the inspiration - and beta test - for The Loop.

Michael is a research fellow with MIT Sloan School’s Initiative on the Digital Economy

-Chantal Gagnon

Chantal has taken multiple courses with us and this testimonial is for the Drawing for Work course.

Chantal is an Innovation Strategist with Salesforce.


*Please contact for Team Subscriptions*